Category: Musings

BPHS Śloka 3.10

अथ खेटा रविश्चन्द्रो मङ्गलश्च बुधस्तथा। गुरुः शुक्रः शनी राहुः केतुश्चैते यथाक्रमम्‌॥ १०॥ atha kheṭā raviścandro maṅgalaśca budhastathā | guruḥ śukraḥ śanī rāhuḥ ketuścaite yathākramam ||…

1.2 The Day Sky

A day on earth is but a 360° rotation of the earth around its axis bringing forth the phenomena of day and night. The Sun…

Study MSP-II before MSP-I?

Vikas Mann ja10607553@gmail Dear sir /madam I am a beginner pjc 2020 student, i want to pursue astrology professionally ,so is it very important to…

1.1 The Night Sky

God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on dark steed. The light of the Sun hides them in the day, and all knowledge…

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting refers to the fasting done weekly or monthly or for any other vedic remedy which has been taught by us for many decades…

Past Life

In what has become a dramatic real-life case of the old Bollywood movie ‘karz’, we have a young boy who remembers his immediate past life…

More about Mantras

Number of Mantras The primary Mantras are said to be about 70 million in number and the secondary mantra are innumerable. The number seventy million…

Mantra Śāstra Meaning

Mantra Śāstra is the science of sound. Mantra (मन्त्र) means and includes An instrument of thought which is the basis of speech that germinates from…

Astrology and Jyotiṣa

Jyotiṣa is a vedāñga, a limb of the sacred Veda. It is impossible to know the Veda without the help of its limbs of which…

Mantra Course

There are quite a few mantra courses available and most of them belong to specific lineages, religions or churches aiming to propagate the prayers and…