Please read carefully.
The syllabus for MSP-II is to be taught in two parts –
- Part-A is to be taught through webinars in April 2020-21. Admission is open to all. Fees to be paid online $1008
- Part-B is to be taught through contact classes in Sep 2021. Admission is no longer restricted for people who can make a commitment to travel to India/Bengal. Others can avail the recordings by joining the course after the course is completed.

Jyotiṣa Principles
- Navagraha: devatā; propitiation of planets including yajna, devatā-mantra, idol specifications, drawings on silk, worship method and homa process [Ch.86 BPHS]
- Kendra Rules: riṣṭa and ariṣṭa i.e. riṣṭa bhaṅga
- Exaltations: Viṣṇu (sattva-purity) avatāra
- Mūlatrikoṇa or Svakṣetra: Tattva devatā, pañcāyatana pujā; Pañca Brahma (Śiva)
- Debilitation: Śaktī (tamas-ignorance) and Vidyā (Kālī) as remover of tamas
- Digbala: Karma Yoga, devatā
- Rāśi: Dvādaśa Āditya
Curses and their alleviation
- Types of curses [BPHS-Ch.85]
- Bhāva afflictions, curse functioning and timing
- Propitiation, remedy
Birth Affliction
- Evils at birth [BPHS-Ch.87]
- Negative indications
- Propitiation
- Tri-tārā doṣa – trimūrti or tridevī doṣa [BPHS-Ch.97]
- Abnormal births [BPHS-Ch.98]

Pañcāṅga Doṣa
- Tithi doṣa
- Amāvāsya doṣa [BPHS-Ch.88]
- Kṛṣṇa Chaturdaśī doṣa [BPHS-Ch.89]
- Sun-Moon combination in rāśi/varga; remedy; duryoga or rājayoga?
- Yoga doṣa
- Some Inauspicious Yoga [BPHS-Ch.90]
- Propitiation of duryoga
- Nakṣatra doṣa
- Eka-nakṣatra doṣa [BPHS-Ch.91]
- Vāra doṣa
- Saṅkrānti doṣa [BPHS-Ch.92]
- Gaṇḍānta [BPHS-Ch.94]
- Tithi gaṇḍānta
- Nakṣatra gaṇḍānta of Moon, Lagna and other graha
- Gaṇḍānta effects – pada doṣa; abhukta (e.g. Mūla nakṣatra) or bhukta (e.g. Jyeṣṭha nakṣatra); propitiation
- Effect of eclipses at birth
- Remedial measures to be adopted
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